Friday, July 22, 2011

The Loser's Ballad

I make noise without making a sound
Walk in a room, niggas wanna clown
but even with a red nose, I give a nigga a black eye
That guy? yeah thats me, but actually, I'm robust
and I should have said "us"
cuz I myself am a duo
who just just happens to spend their life on pluto
but that doesn't keep us from hell
cuz I sense it comin like smell
can't fight or rebel
my words haven been frozen in time
and not fragile but I became broke wit time
open minded, but closed to survive in the world that blind em
and I combat with words but I never cose to bind em
maybe my arms are severed
look no hands, couldn't be better
cuz I reign like the weather
cant get deeper than this treble
funny cuz I'm the rock and others are merely a pebble
and I can lay the smackdown without ever leavin my level
I could play every game and make A.I. crash
even thee insane would say I spazz
but their words are irrelevant
cuz I dont fuck around anymore like I'm celebid
I embelish it cuz everything I say is relevant
I'm the light to the game Edison
but call me Chef Thomas cuz I gave yo girl my salad dressing